Do you what Advertising is?

Advertising makes the business world go round. In a capitalistic free market society, every single business can benefit from proper marketing of their product or service. No matter how many referrals or repeat customers you have, no matter how obscure or mainstream your company is, advertising should be an integral part of your business plan. Without any kind of marketing or advertising, it would be extremely difficult for consumers to make their buying decisions. Something as simple as getting your carpets cleaned would become a tedious task. Phonebooks wouldn’t exist without advertising, so there goes calling a bunch of carpet cleaners. Much of the Internet would be non-existent without advertising, so forget about finding carpet cleaners there. Without any signage advertising businesses, you couldn’t even wander the streets in search of their service! Consumers rely on advertisements to introduce and direct them to businesses that can fill their buying needs. You’ve likely figured out that businesses rely on advertising to compete with their rivals. You might be the finest jeweler in town, but you’re not going to capitalize on the Valentine’s Day season if you’re not out there advertising with your competition! All forms of advertising operate like salespeople by amplifying your message to the masses. More often than not, advertising can reach far more people for far less money than a salesperson can. Advertising then maximizes your salespeople’s abilities because leads have been warmed up by your marketing reach. (Taken from Mark Hoxie Book)

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